What is a cult?

The term "cult" comes from the French word for Divine Worship and the cult Latin, meaning care, cultivation and worship. The word is such a general scope and its definition has been so with fear, intolerance and prejudice that some argue that it was no longer surrounded significantly.

Even if this is true to a large extent, in our opinion, a religious cult can be seen as three awards, as seen through the eyes of God's Word and the Holy Spirit, which is definedbring that Word to life.

The first is the quasi-worship and unquestioned devotion to a charismatic leader. The second, a common belief that anyone outside of the cult to think outside the circle of God's grace, to the point that the foreigners will not be saved spiritually. And the third element of a cult is its refusal to be corrected by the Word of God

A striking example is the confidence, suicidal thoughts fall of a great cult when you ordered a charismatic leaderthem to drink poison Kool-Aid. This group indicated that all three signs of a cult.

A popular definition describes a cult as a group, which contrasts with the traditional denominations. This view is wrong. Apostle Paul was a leader of the sect of the Nazarenes "(Acts 24:5), a term that refers to the early followers of Jesus This group of early believers went against the tide:" ... it is spoken by this sect against the entire world "(Acts 28:22).Others described them as "these men, the world has radically changed [" turned the world upside down "- New King James Version]" (Acts 17:6).

The question is: Who is leading and who is right up? Satan has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9) - and that all the religions of the world, including Christian groups are more appropriately described as "churchianity. While many of these groups have, in fact, Jesus and the Holy Spirit was working on them, many of the ideas they espousecan not be found in the Bible. Rules of tradition, not the word of God

Be regarded as heretics by the majority do not vote, as some sectarianism defined, a definition that is faithful to the Word of God has seen most of the Christianity of Paul as a heretic: "... by the way they call a sect [ "heresy" - King James Version], I serve the God of our fathers ... " (Acts 24:14).

Jesus said that the door to eternal life was a strait. The way of deceit and death is the wideWay. Size and popularity are not the criteria for deciding on the definition of a cult.

In France, the term sect is more or less equivalent to the term "cult" in English. France is considered the oldest daughter of the Catholic Church () Church and my experience of living there, I showed that each group is Catholic, regarded with suspicion. Recently, the government has to crack les sectes and officials view as a cult group that would be relatively benign in the United States.Even the charismatic churches and some Protestant sects and groups seen as a threat to society. Prejudice prevails.

The vast majority of people once believed the earth was flat, and the world took for granted that assumption false. Now, the Flat Earth Society is a small group. We are not able to recognize a correct definition of "cult" by the prevailing prejudices. People use the term loosely to others may fear or suspicion of assault, and the word on a topic of personal or businessInterpretation. We believe that this brief explanation clears the fog around this issue and presents a concise definition is based on the principles of the Word of God

Copyright 2008 Robert B. Scott

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